Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Iran Aware on Blogger

What's got to be made very clear to the Iranian government is that its behavior is really quite offensive and really quite unacceptable on a variety of different items..It's just not acceptable that protesters should be arrested, raped, and sodomized in prison. And the Nuclear Issue.. If Iran did acquire atomic bombs, it would put pressure on other countries in the region do the same. Many Arab countries believe it is unfair that Israel has nuclear weapons. If Arab countries, notably Saudi Arabia but also Egypt and possibly Syria, found themselves caught between a nuclear-armed Israel and a nuclear-armed Iran, it would greatly increase pressures to pursue their own nuclear options. This could result in a regional arms race in the Middle East which is likely to be quite destabilizing, given the number and intensity of conflicts and instabilities in the region. Iran's support for Hamas and Hezbollah has led to two major wars in Lebanon and Gaza in the past five years. Iran sponsors international terrorism, foments conflict throughout the Middle East, ignores its obligations under multilateral treaties, undermines the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, interferes in Iraqi and Lebanese politics, suppresses the human rights of its own citizens, aids anti-U.S. fighters in Afghanistan and threatens U.S. allies in the region and beyond.

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